The yin and yang symbol represents
The yin and yang symbol represents

the yin and yang symbol represents

The dark side represents Yin, an inward dark energy and the white side represents Yang, an outward bright energy. The two halves of the circle one black and one white represent the unity of opposites and the contrasting nature of reality. The Yin and Yang is a symbol representing balance between two opposing forces. His ideas are interesting, but this symbol doesn’t actually represent any duality you care to apply to it. In the ethics of Confucianism on the other hand, most notably in the philosophy of Dong Zhongshu, (c. What does the Yin and Yang symbol really mean One of the most recognizable spiritual symbols, Yin Yang, stems from Taoism and represents the unity of the opposites. This symbol is called a taiji tu, btw, and yin and yang do not mean the things he says. However, in Taoist metaphysics, good-bad distinctions and other dichotomous moral judgments are perceptual, not real so, yin-yang is an indivisible whole.

the yin and yang symbol represents

There is a perception (especially in the Western world) that yin and yang correspond to evil and good. The concept of yin and yang is often symbolized by various forms of the Taijitu symbol, for which it is probably best known in Western cultures.

the yin and yang symbol represents

Either of the two major aspects may manifest more strongly in a particular object, depending on the criterion of the observation. Everything has both yin and yang aspects, (for instance shadow cannot exist without light). Yin and yang are actually complementary, not opposing, forces, interacting to form a whole greater than either separate part in effect, a dynamic system. The concept lies at the origins of many branches of classical Chinese science and philosophy, as well as being a primary guideline of traditional Chinese medicine, and a central principle of different forms of Chinese martial arts and exercise, such as baguazhang, taijiquan (t'ai chi), and qigong (Chi Kung) and of I Ching. Many natural dualities (such as male and female, light and dark, high and low, hot and cold, water and fire, life and death, and so on) are thought of as physical manifestations of the yin-yang concept.

The yin and yang symbol represents